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Montreal Cityscape

Introduction to Plant-Based Cities Movement

The Plant-Based Cities Movement(PBCM) was launched in the fall of 2021 in response to the United Nations’ declaration of a Code Red for Humanity 1, and the February 2022 release of the most damning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report…

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ACE Theory of Change

There is an enormous body of research that makes the point that Canada urgently needs to transition to a much more plant-based food system in order to improve Canadians’ health, ensure the security and sustainability of the food system, reduce the risks of zoonotic infectious…

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Environmental Impacts

Transitioning towards plant-based foods is a key factor in reducing our environmental footprint, leading to lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduced water usage and pollution, reduced land use and deforestation, as well as the potential to rewild land previously used for animal agriculture…

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